Music Video


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Reflections on Practical: TV Drama Still

1. Provide a brief summary of how you planned your photography practical.
We drew a storyboard in order to plan the shot type, actor position and poses in the shot, this allowed us to stay organised and take the shots easier as we had this to guide us.

2. Analyse your chosen shot and identify in what ways it could be described as signifying your chosen TV drama genre/subgenre.
The lighting conveys the horror genre as the colors are a eerie green with washed out colors. The mid shot on Ben makes you focus on his bloody eyes showing the bloody images that represent the horror genre by showing him as a conventional victim character type of a horror. The mysterious hand on his shoulder suggests a malicious intent, conforming to serial killer character type.

3. How did you intend the audience to interpret your still? What narrative moment were you attempting to create? What meanings were you attempting to communicate?  (BARTHES NARRATIVE CODES?
The semic codes of the dark room helps the audience to interpret the still as one conforming to the  horror genre, with a clear victim and killer scenario made clear by the conventions of this setting. Enigma of The action codes showing Ben in pain and someone gripping his shoulder sets who is victim and who is perpetrator.

4. Identify what is successful about your shot.
The framing in this shot was successful, with a mid shot of Ben in the foreground fitting the mysterious hand. The lighting of the still was also successful, with eerie green lighting around them helping to create tension.

5. What would you do differently if you were to repeat this activity?
If i were to repeat the task I would plan Ben's facial expression better.

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